Apollo is a novel information
distillation tool for tracking current events and for attaining a reliable
situation understanding from noisy social sensing data.
Real-time social networks such as Twitter and Instagram offer an
up-to-date window into current events as reported by their participants.
Apollo distills large amounts of social media chatter on ongoing events into a smaller amount of
high-value content, expressed in the original words and images of its sources, removing noise and clutter. It offers
both a real-time situation view, and an archival event
analysis capability.
Apollo follows a news-feed model. A user defines their topics of
interest, called tasks. Apollo distills social network data to deliver "executive
summaries" of these topics. Apollo belongs to a category of
tools called fact-finders. It features a maximum-likelihood algorithm that jointly estimates reliability of sources and
correctness of their claims. It is the first fact-finder designed and
implemented specifically for real-time event tracking.
This is a collaboration between: